Synthetic Furs Chat Rules

  1. 18+ members only. This chat contains adult imagery and topics and is for 18+ members only. Anyone found to be under the age of 18 will be removed.
  2. No long-form RP. In-character interactions are permitted so long as they remain casual and do not impede other conversation.
  3. Images must be on-topic. Stickers and reaction images are permitted, but the majority of shared images must deal with robots, cyborgs, or other synthetic characters and material.
  4. Prohibited subject matter. The following subject matter will be subject to removal and a warning given to the poster: ABDL, organic gore, dubious consent/pseudo-nonconsent*, scat, real life nudity (buttocks are okay), and AI art. The following subject matter will result in an immediate ban: underage characters in sexual situations (including 'teen' characters such as Jenny the Teenage Robot ('aged up' versions may be permitted on a case-by-case basis)), rape. These are not up for debate, please do not attempt to discuss the merits of any of this subjects.
    *Non-consensual organic-to-robot/cyborg conversions may be permitted on a case-by-case basis.
  5. Credit must be given when artwork is posted. Links to artists should be shared whenever possible.
  6. No advertising. You must ask permission before advertising other channels. This is to prevent distasteful or otherwise unwanted channels from being advertised.
  7. Disagreements and arguments must be moved to private messages. Spirited discussion and conversation are allowed and encouraged, but once it becomes an argument, it must be removed to private conversations.
  8. Trolling, flaming, and other forms of harassment are not allowed. Harassing other members may result in your immediate removal from the chat. This includes posting of bigoted or hateful imagery, comments, or jokes, as well as baiting and kink-bashing.
  9. Mod's word is final. Once a mod makes a decision, do not argue with them. Obey mods' directions and follow the rules and we'll all get along fine. :)